Last week's question was "What is ONE Thing you can do this week to help you measure your progress?" I said I was going to experiment with tracking what I eat without judgement and monitor the calories and the results over a couple of weeks. I have to confess that I failed last week's challenge. I didn't do it...at all. There are lots of reasons why and lots of learning in failing, which is something great for me to explore. And it gave me a great idea for this week's ONE Thing Question. "What is ONE Thing you failed at the first time you attempted it and want to try again?
For me, the answer is an easy one. I am going to make another attempt at last week's challenge. I have already downloaded My Fitness Pal on my phone and have tracked my food for today. I am glad to have a second chance to follow through on this challenge. I wouldn't feel good if I just abandoned the idea because I never gave it a chance. There can be many reasons why we don't follow through on some goals. Sometimes we are not ready or the timing is not right. Or maybe it is something we don't really want to do. And sometimes it is because it's hard to get started. It takes energy to make changes. And sometimes there is a fear that prevents us from following through on a goal.
If you have a goal or challenge that you attempted before and you didn't follow through on it, this could be a great week to make another attempt on it. Choose something that would make a positive difference in your life and is something you really want for yourself. Consider setting up some support for yourself if it feels like a challenging goal. See if there is someone who will help keep you accountable if you are starting something new. I have asked my family if they will help keep me accountable with my new tracking routine.
Whatever you choose to attempt again this week, I wish you success. And if you fail again, see what you can learn from that. I'd love to hear what you are trying again and what you learn from the experience. Please share anything you would like in the comments below, on Facebook or in our Weekly ONE Thing Facebook Group!