Last week's ONE Thing was to do something that would make you belly laugh. I was going to share a funny video on Facebook. I found one by a stand up comedian joking about how Canadians feel about Americans. And I just shared some of my favourites that always make me laugh, (If Ghandi went to a Yoga Class and JP Sears UltraSpiritualism Videos). I think laughter is truly the best medicine for the soul. Laughter is the ultimate expression of joy. I love laughing! I especially love to laugh at myself. It reminds me that I have permission to be human and make mistakes. I hope you found some things that really made you laugh last week and do it everyday of every week!
This past weekend, I had an opportunity to have lots of belly laughs and learn and experience more about living life purposefully. I did my coaching training with CTI- Coaches Training Institute, who are one of the founding coach training educational organizations. I have taken many courses in my life in university and for professional and personal development, and the series of training seminars I attended with CTI are among the best I have ever participated in. This weekend I had an opportunity to re-experience one of the CTI courses as an assistant to the course leaders. The leaders were amazing! They brought humour and all of their gifts and humanity to the training. One of the themes that kept coming up, was the value in vulnerability. That word is now inextricably linked to Brene Brown and her research on this topic that was launched in her brilliant TED Talk 8 years ago If you haven't seen this video, it is great to watch and Brene now has books, a Netflix special, training programs and Oprah's highest praise. Obviously this idea of the importance of vulnerability has resonance in the world. So this week's question is, "What is ONE Thing you can do this week to be vulnerable?" That may not be very appealing to most of us, but that is the point of Brene's work. Vulnerability is not comfortable and that is why we avoid it. But it is also the birthplace of creativity and connection that we all desire.
For myself, I am going to do something vulnerable in service of my coaching practice. I am going to make a game for myself of doing 50 sample coaching sessions in honour of turning 50 this year. A coaching session is simply a conversation focussed entirely on you, (the client), in service of getting you what they want in life. And a sample coaching session is an opportunity to try a coaching session for free. It is a fabulous, free gift! If you would like to help me play my game and have some fun yourself, please contact me ( or through Facebook or Linked In, to set up a call. How fun would it be to have 60 minutes to have a conversation entirely about you and what you want for yourself? From my own personal experience of being coached, I can tell you that it is a lot of FUN! And you could even count it as meeting your Weekly ONE Thing Challenge of doing something vulnerable. Or choose something else that is vulnerable for you, but you know will make an impact in your life.
As always, I would love to hear from you on what you will do this week. Feel free to share in the comments below, on Facebook or in our Weekly ONE Thing Facebook Group!