Last week's question was, What is ONE Thing you can do to complete something unfinished in your life? I said I was going to create a summer schedule and block in times in my calendar for all my biggest priorities for the summer. I am happy to say that I did it this week. Having to be accountable to report this in my blog post was a good motivator for getting it done. Accountability is a useful tool in achieving goals.
One of my big goals for this summer is to write a book that I have had an idea for, for some time. I am testing out a method of writing a book in one week and am coaching 2 other people to write their books in the same week. It seems like a very adventurous goal and I am excited to start on it tomorrow. So this week's question ties into that theme. "What is ONE Thing you can do this week that seems like a big stretch, that would make you proud of yourself for even attempting it?
Everyone has a different idea of what a big stretch. For someone it could be rock climbing, for someone else it might asking their boss for a raise. Choose something that you have been wanting to do, but may have been afraid to try or have been avoiding for some reason.
Best of luck with whatever you decide on for your stretch! I am nervous and excited for my big stretch this week and am looking forward to sharing the results next week - whatever they are.
And, as always, I would love to hear from you on what you will do this week. Feel free to share in the comments below, on Facebook or in our Weekly ONE Thing Facebook Group!