Last week's question was "What is ONE Thing you can learn from a mentor?" I said I was going to try joining Robin Sharma's 5 am club and see what getting up at 5 am every day would do for me. I must confess that I only get a 50% on this challenge. I could go into the stories of why didn't achieve 100% success, but it came down to choosing other priorities over the 5 am goal. On the days I did get up at 5 am, I created a great routine of drinking my hot lemon water while working on a writing project that I am excited about. Thinking about working on that project did motivate me to get out of bed. I also had time to reinstitute my morning routing of yoga, meditation and journaling. I achieved some of my best work by 7am on the days I got up early. So I am going to keep this challenge and see how it goes this week. Even if I only do it 3 or 4 times each week, it will be a big benefit to me.
I chose this week's question because I think it is one that will serve me well as I begin my 6 month coaching certification process this week. The question is, "What is ONE boundary that you can set to help you reach your top goal(s)." We sometimes need to set boundaries with our colleagues, friends, family members, or even ourselves, to achieve the results we want. Knowing what our boundaries are helps us to allocate time to our top priorities. Setting boundaries helps us to be more effective. You could set a boundary with an employee that they need to meet a work goal in a specific way, or set a boundary with your spouse about how you divide the household responsibilities. You could set a boundary with yourself regarding a bad habit or desired change of behaviour. Whatever you choose, pick something that will move you toward your higher goal (s).
For myself, I am going to set a boundary with my family that I am off duty as the "trouble-shooter" or " fixer" for whatever they need after 8pm. I love doing things for my family, but what I would like to change is any last minute requests for help with homework, or materials required for school or assisting in any form of problem solving after 8 pm. I have a lot of additional work I need to be doing over the next 6 months and I want to reserve at least an hour before bed to either prepare for my next day or read additional reading materials that are part of my coaching certification. Setting this 8 pm boundary with my family will serve my goal of successfully completing my coaching certification in 6 months. I am also going to set a boundary with myself in the spirit of the trend for intermittent fasting. My boundary is that I will not eat after 8 pm. It doesn't sound that hard and I think that committing to it in writing will make it more likely to happen.
Whatever you choose, I'd love to hear what you goal you are willing to draw a line in the sand for. What boundary will you set in order to reach your goal? Please share anything you would like in the comments below, on Facebook or in our Weekly ONE Thing Facebook Group!
Good luck with your coaching certification Chantal :)