Last week's question was, "What is ONE Thing you could do this week to consciously choose "me time" that recharges you?" I said I was going to spend at least 20 minutes a day of my 'me time' this week with my journal. I did do my journaling this week and I felt it helped me feel more connected with myself. It also helped me feel more organized and better able to manage all the events in my life. I really want to continue to make this a priority for myself.
Now we are into the last week of November. With American Thanksgiving ending, it is the start of the Christmas season. I'm starting to prepare for Christmas with decorating and shopping. It got me thinking about what I would like for Christmas. I love any Christmas presents, but I particularly enjoy ones from the heart. That train of thought sparked the idea for this week's question. "What is ONE gift from the heart you can give yourself this week?"
I know exactly what I want to give myself. I helped my mom this weekend get her book up on Amazon. It was a great feeling to help her complete the final stage of her book writing project from this summer. And I am only halfway through my final edits for my book. I would love to have my book printed and presented to my parents for Christmas, so I need to get my editing and formatting on Amazon completed as soon as possible. So the gift I would love to give myself is the gift of completion. I am going to make that a top priority over the next two weeks.
Some other ideas for a gift from the heart could be spending some time with a favourite person, going on an artists' date (an adventure on your own to spark some new ideas), window shopping, Cyber Monday shopping for things you love, going on a winter walk appreciating the beauty of this time of year. It could be anything that feels like a treat to you and makes your heart feel warmed.
What will you gift yourself with this week? I'd love to hear what you choose to do and I hope it makes you feel loved and appreciated by yourself! Please share anything you would like in the comments below, on Facebook or in our Weekly ONE Thing Facebook Group!