Last week's question was "What is ONE Thing that you want to give this holiday season?" I had said I wanted to be present with people in all my interactions with them over the holidays. So far, I feel like having that focus has helped me to do that. I want to continue to focus on that for the rest of the holidays... and always. It is easy for me to forget that and get preoccupied by all the things that I need to do. I think being more intentional in planning my days will help me to feel less frantic when the schedule gets busy and that will also support me in being more present. I have to remind myself continuously that it is the journey of life and not the destination that is important. It will probably be a life-long lesson, but well worth focussing on.
I am still on the theme of the holidays for my weekly question. What is the ONE holiday tradition that you are looking forward to observing or creating? So much of the fun of the holiday season comes from the traditions that each family has. Things like decorating the tree and house, baking cookies, making lovely meals, giving gifts, spending time with family and friends. There is both comfort and joy in recreating these experiences each year. There are many traditions that I look forward to over the Christmas season. One new tradition that has emerged in the last few years for our family, is to go to a movie together on Boxing Day. That is something that I love because with our busy schedules, it is usually the only time in the year that we all go to a movie together. Now days with everyone watching their own shows on their own devices, we don't even watch that much T.V. together. So it feels like a time of connection to experience a story unfold with all the people I love. I enjoy talking about the movie after. It is just fun to share each person's experience of the movie. And I think I love it because we do this after all the busyness of Christmas is over. It feels so relaxing and there is nothing more to prepare for.
One new tradition that I would like to create this year, is to get up early on Christmas Eve day and spend some time journaling to prepare myself for all the festivities ahead. I think that will be a good way for me to more fully enjoy the celebrations of Christmas and realize my intention to "be present" for the holidays.
What holiday tradition will you observe or create this year? I would love to hear your ideas. Please share anything you would like in the comments below, or in our Weekly ONE Thing Facebook Group!